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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Bahay.ph Points?
Why do I want to get Bahay.ph Points?
Ok. I want points. How do I get Bahay.ph Points?
I have bought my points. How do I distribute my Bahay.ph Points?
How long are my points valid?
Who are the featured brokers on the main page and how do I get there?
What are the featured properties on the main page and how do I get my property featured there?
I have applied my points, can I transfer them elsewere?
Can I transfer un-applied points to other agents?
If I delete a listing that has points in it, what will happen to the points?
Can I add points to my listing points or agent points even though there are points already applied to them?

What are Bahay.ph Points?

Bahay.ph Points is an innovative way of promoting your listings. Using this, you can make your listings and yourself more visible to your market. You can also use your points to purchase one of the many inquiries bahay.ph receives everyday.

Why do I want to get Bahay.ph Points?

The Bahay.ph list of agents and properties is ranked by the number of points allocated to the properties and agents. The agent or property with the most points comes out at the top of the list.

Ok. I want points. How do I get Bahay.ph Points?

1 point is equivalent to 1 Peso. You can purchase them online by clicking on the Buy More Points. You can choose from the options shown on that page.

I have bought my points. How do I distribute my Bahay.ph Points?

In your user control panel, click on the Applied Points tab located on the upper menu bar. You will be taken to your points control panel. Choose where you want to apply your points. Applying points to the agent points will move your profile up the bahay.ph ladder. Applying points to your listings will move your listings up. You can also use your points to purchase inquiries made to the bahay.ph main inquiry form at the main page.

How long are my points valid?

Un-applied points or available points have no expiration. Applied points will expire 30 days from implementation.

Who are the featured brokers on the main page and how do I get there?

The featured brokers are the top 7 highest agent points holders. If you purchase enough points to be in the top 7, you will automatically be there on the list. This will make your profile more visible to the public.

What are the featured properties on the main page and how do I get my property featured there?

The featured properties are the top 10 highest listing points properties. If you allocate enough points to be one of the top 10 properties, your property will automatically be listed at the featured properties list.

I have applied my points, can I transfer them elsewere?

No. Applied points are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Can I transfer un-applied points to other agents?

No. Un-applied points can not be transferred to other agents.

If I delete a listing that has points in it, what will happen to the points?

If you delete a listing with points applied on it, the points will be deleted with the listing.

Can I add points to my listing points or agent points even though there are points already applied to them?



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